Radiology, also called diagnostic imaging, is a medical speciality that uses imaging to diagnose and help manage medical conditions. This consists of a series of various tests that take images of different parts of the body. A variety of imaging techniques such as X-ray radiography, ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), nuclear medicine including positron emission tomography (PET), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used to diagnose and/or treat diseases.

At Circle Care Clinic, we have installed the latest in X-ray equipment, which is unequaled in its ability to obtain the best X-ray results, while using the least number of images and the lowest level of exposure. Tina, our highly-skilled Senior Radiographer is particularly specialised in Paediatric Radiography and carries out X-ray imaging on both pediatric and adult patients. Our X-ray room has a welcoming and fun “under-the-sea” theme to engage patients positively and help put them at ease.
Dr. Mohammed Helaly, our highly experienced Specialist Radiologist also carries out Ultrasound imaging on paediatric and adult patients.
Our Radiology Services
• State-of-the-art digital low-radiation X-ray machine
• Specialised Paediatric Radiographer
• General X-ray imaging for adult and paediatric patients
• Interpretation by highly experienced Specialist Radiologist
• General Ultrasound scanning
• Abdominal Ultrasound
• Ultrasound hip screening
• Ultrasound screening e.g thyroid, kidney, prostate
• Specialised Paediatric Radiographer
• General X-ray imaging for adult and paediatric patients
• Interpretation by highly experienced Specialist Radiologist
• General Ultrasound scanning
• Abdominal Ultrasound
• Ultrasound hip screening
• Ultrasound screening e.g thyroid, kidney, prostate
Our Team of

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63 Al Thanya Street,
Dubai, UAE
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Building 15, City Walk,
Dubai, UAE
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